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/Products/VFD's & Soft Starters/Fuji/Braking Options/TK80W120 Braking Resistor (Compact Type)
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Product ID: TK80W120

TK80W120 Braking Resistor (Compact Type)

MFG: Fuji Electric Corp. of America
MFG Part Number: TK80W120

Available Stock: 10
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$25.90 / Each
120 Ohm, 0.08 kW

Braking Resistor (Compact Type)

The dynamic braking option has been designed to allow faster deceleration rates than could be achieved via a coast stop or typical deceleration. This option consists of dynamic braking resistors and utilizes the built-in dynamic braking transistor (applicable for ratings >1/2 hp @ 115 vac & 230 vac input ratings).

The standard option has been designed for stopping a load with an inertia equal to or less than applied motor’s rotor inertia.

High inertia or overhauling loads may cause extended deceleration times which could cause option overheating and tripping of the drive unit.

This option is not a holding brake. It will not prevent a motor at rest from rotating.

Note: Refer to drives instructions manual installation and connection section for details.

Product Information

Manufacturer Fuji Electric
Model Number TK80W12?
Total Ohms 120 ?
Total kW .08
Average Braking Torque 150 % - FRN0003C2S-6U, FRN0004C2S-2U, FRN0004C2S-7U
130% - FRN0005c2S-6U, FRN0006C2S-2U, FRN0006C2S-7U
100 % - FRN0010C2S-2U, FRN0010C2S-7U
65% - FRN0012C2S-2U, FRN0012C2S-7U
45% - FRN0020C2S-2U
Duty Cycle 15% - FRN0003C2S-6U, FRN0004C2S-2U, FRN0004C2S-7U
5% - FRN0005C2S-6U, FRN0006C2S-2U, FRN0006C2S-7U, FRN0010C2S-2U, FRN0010C2S-7U, FRN0012C2S-2U, FRN0012C2S-7U, FRN0020C2S-2U
Allowable Continuous Braking Time 15 Seconds – FRN003C2S-6U, FRN0005C2S-6U, FRN0004C2S-2U, FRN0004C2S-7U, FRN0006C2S-2U, FRN0006C2S-7U
10 Seconds – FRN0010C2S-2U, FRN0010C2S-7U, FRN0012C2S-2U, FRN0012C2S-7U, FRN0020C2S-2U